Hello world!
# This is the Microslac project
A clone version of Slack application with minimal functionalities, deployed on Kubernetes using Microservices architecture.
- Native login/signup authentication using JWT
- API requests authentication to downstream services through Kong Gateway
- OAuth 2.0 authenticate, with providers such as Google, Github, LinkedIn
- Managing channels, members and messages generated from Web UI
- Publishing various events (message.sent, member.joined, member.leave,...) to RabbitMQ
- Developed using TDD method with testing libraries: Pytest, Factory Boy
- Modern front-end NextJS application with modern libraries:
- Users, Teams: Django, ORM, DRF
- Infra: AWS, Terraform, Terragrunt, NVDP
- Kube: Kubernetes, Docker, Helm, Helmfile, Taskfile,...
- Data: Strimzi, MinIO, Apache Iceberg